Media Venter

a glimpse of Anngiely's opinions and random rabblings about media.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Downloading music? Admit or not, many of us have done it. Even though it is a long shot that this act can be fully abolished, I believe there is a way for it stop or at least decrease the amount of downloading. Currently, music records companies are threatening downloaders that what they are doing is a crime and will be punish. I believe companies should advocate in a less threating way. These companies should try to reach out to downloaders less emphatically.

Lets start off with advertising. This strategy is a great way to spread the word out and has been for many years. Music companies should come together to stop this act. First, music companies should contribute and supple money to create campaigns against downloading music. A way to start this is to produce several clever advertisements with famous music artist(s) advocating to stop this act. This is a great strategy because many fans are loyal and might listen to what their favorite artist(s)’ message. As long these advertisements run, such as in television/radio commercials, magazine advertisement, etc, it will eventually decrease downloading.

Another strategy music record companies and their artists themselves can do is advertise at concerts. Obviously, concerts are packed with people who are music fans. Most likely of course, they too are illegally downloading music. Somewhere at the concert, a booth or a workshop can be set up. Before and after the concert flyers even keychains allocating against downloading can be passed around along with several people at booths can educate people of the illegalness. Since the iTunes Music Store have many downloading songs legally, they too can be at concerts promoting their stores and even give a huge give away for anyone who signs up for the iTunes music store.

Lastly, since technology is flourishing, there is a possible way to create a system to prevent file sharing online. Yet again, musicians and record companies and even the government can come together and invest money to create this system. Even though this investment might be pricey, it will eventually balance out because file sharing will be demolished, thus, record sells will increase rapidly.

I know it’s easier said then done, but I believe these ideas can essentially work, in the long run, not immediately. You must start somewhere to gain results.


At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There *have* been advertising campaigns, and most of the things you suggested have been done. The point is, those campaigns haven't worked. I was asking you to come up with a campaign that you thought *would* work.


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